Treatments for Ankle Tendonitis | Casteel Foot and Ankle
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Treatments for Ankle Tendonitis

Ankle TendonitisAnkle tendonitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the tendons in the ankle joint. If you have an injury or you use the joint on a regular basis, you may be at risk of developing the problem, which is usually characterized by swelling and pain. Here is some information on how this issue is typically treated.

R.I.C.E., Medication and Other Ways to Treat Ankle Tendonitis

R.I.C.E., or rest, ice, compression and elevation, is one of the most effective ways to treat ankle tendonitis at home. You will need to stay off your feet as much as you can and also avoid any activities that include jumping or running so that the inflammation will subside. Apply a cold pack to the affected area several times a day (about 10-15 minutes each time) to reduce swelling and pain. You should also get an ankle wrap to compress the joint and reduce pain and swelling. Elevating your ankle can also reduce swelling and pain.

Motrin, Aleve and Advil are just a few of the over-the-counter medications that can help reduce the discomfort associated with ankle tendonitis. Gentle exercises could also help strengthen the joint and help increase flexibility. If you feel any discomfort, however, stop immediately to avoid risking further damage.

You should seriously consider seeing a doctor, however, if these steps do not work. He or she will perform a thorough examination and determine the right treatment. You need to talk to a doctor right away if you cannot move the ankle, it will not bear weight, your pain becomes severe or you experience numbness. These could be signs your ankle is hurt much worse than you originally thought.

Contact Us About Ankle Tendonitis

The experts with Casteel Foot & Ankle Center have a great deal of experience successfully treating ankle tendonitis as well as several other foot and ankle conditions. Please contact us online or call 972-412-4449 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.