Common Symptoms of Ankle Tendonitis
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Common Symptoms of Ankle Tendonitis

Ankle TendonitisAnkle tendonitis is in extremely painful inflammation of the joint that can significantly affect your ability to perform even everyday activities. Here is some information on how the problem occurs and some signs that you may have it.

What is Tendonitis?

The tendons are the strong bands of tissue that connect bone with muscle. If they have to work too hard, or they work in the wrong way, tiny tears can developed. These tears are accompanied by inflammation, which is the main cause of discomfort in someone with ankle tendonitis.

Typically, the body responds to this problem by dispatching extra red blood cells that carry the nutrients and oxygen that are needed for healing. They also send extra white blood cells to fight infection.

Warning Signs

While the symptoms associated with ankle tendonitis can vary according to the severity of the condition, the most tell-tale sign, of course, if pain. You may notice a sharp, burning sensation in the area that spreads as the tendonitis worsens. You may experience pain when you first move and then notice that it subsides somewhat after a minute or two. But the more you do, the worse the pain gets.

Swelling is another common symptom, although it typically takes a while to develop. Once you have symptoms for a few weeks, a soft lump may form over your ankle. If that lump is tender to the touch, you probably have tendonitis. You may also notice stiffness and a reduced range of motion in the joint.

Contact Casteel Foot and Ankle

At Casteel Foot and Ankle Center, we have a great deal of experience in effectively treating ankle tendonitis. We may recommend bracing, exercises to stretch your ankle tendons, or we may recommend surgery if conservative treatments do not work. If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, please contact us online or call 972-412-4449.