Common Symptoms of Ankle Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
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Common Symptoms of Ankle Arthritis

Symptoms of Ankle ArthritisAnkle arthritis, also referred to as osteoarthritis, occurs due to wear and tear on the joint that accumulates over the years. Pain, swelling and, in some cases, deformity can result. But how can you tell if you have this condition or if you’re just experiencing ordinary aches and pains? Here are some of the ways to find out.

How it Happens

As we age, the soft tissue within the ankle can wear down, leading to bones rubbing on one another. Ankle arthritis involves inflammation, which can manifest itself in several ways. These are some of the most common symptoms:

  • Changes in skin
  • Redness or a feeling of warmth at the ankle joint
  • A limited range of motion
  • Stiffness when you wake up in the morning
  • Reduced function of the ankle
  • Pain and tenderness


Thankfully, your Rowlett podiatrist has several ways of treating ankle arthritis. In many instances, non-surgical options are available such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medication, steroids and physical therapy. Orthotics, or shoe inserts, may be able to help ease symptoms as could losing weight. There are times, however, when more conventional treatments do not work and surgery may be recommended.

Dealing with the Problem

If you have ankle arthritis, one of the best things you can do to alleviate symptoms is to make sure your shoes not only feel comfortable but fit correctly. They should have proper support, be flexible, and be shaped as close to your foot as possible. You may want to consider rubber soles to provide more cushioning.

Exercises can also help keep your ankles strong and flexible. There are several stretching exercises involving the Achilles and toes that could be very beneficial. Talk to your doctor to learn more.

Schedule Treatment for Ankle Arthritis

At Casteel Foot & Ankle Center, we have lots of experience helping patients deal with ankle arthritis through both non-surgical and surgical means. If you would like to schedule an appointment, contact us online or call us at 972-412-4449.